Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Year Without Cookies - Week 36

(get this boy some cookies!)

Another week down and no cookies and no soda. This week seemed to breeze by with the Labor Day weekend mixed in. I didn't face too much horrible temptation this week. Except once when it was really humid out and I walked into a little deli and there was a delicious looking cold bottle of root beer staring at me through a freezer door. IT was a tough 10 seconds of longing before I broke away.

This week's exciting discovery was that I'm thinner than I thought I was! Oh, not by a lot. It's not like I'm in line to star in The Machinist 2: A Year Without Cookies, or something (but seriously, what a great title!). I was trying on my suits yesterday, though, for my friend Jessie's wedding which is happening TONIGHT (so excited to see her and party with some of my oldest friends!) and I was ready for the suit pants to maybe be a little tight since I haven't been doing my usual running regimen all summer but nooooo, oh, they all fit so nice! It was a lovely moment. I mentioned my good news on the FB and my friend T, suggested it might have something to do with my no cookies and soda crusade. I'm gonna to go with that theory. Thank you, Year Without Cookies, for giving me some breathing room in my dress-up duds! I will try to post photographic evidence of me looking smooth upon my return from the ceremony in Philly!

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